Prof. Massimo Bellomi is author of 204 scientific publications, 23 of them are book chapters.
He started his research in the field of Imaging dealing with topics on the liver and GI tract and, thank to the experience in US, Great Britain and Sweden, he was one of the first italian researches to experience some new procedures as Percutaneous Biliary drainage or small bowel double contrast enema.
In 2000 he was one of the first researchers starting the project of lung cancer screening by low-dose CT : he published a number of paper demonstrating a relatively high incidence (mean.9%), lasting for the 12 years of maximum observation. Five years survival rate of patients with lung cancer detected at screening CT is 70%.
One of his major interest is in non-conventional imaging with studies on tumour’s perfusion (both by CT and MR) and Diffusion (DW-MRI): a number of paper were pubblished to define standard protocols, validate techniques by assessing their reproducibility, and underline the potential of the integration of different techniques (“multimodality imaging”). Their clinical impact is now confirmed by demonstrating the accuracy both in monitoring the changes induced by chemo- or radio-therapy in patients with different tumors and in increasing the detection rate of some tumors.
After few years of technical researches on whole-body DW-MRI we succeded in reducing the scanning time to 30’: thus the technique has become clinically relevant and its accuracy has been tested as screening test for metastases in high risk young patients. The research is ongoing to test its implementation as screening for cancer in healty people.
Prof. Bellomi is Associated Professor of Radiology in the Dept. of Health Science of University of Milano. He has been Director of Postgraduate School of Radiology in 2000/2003 and 2009-2011, being actually Director of Postgraduate School of Radiotherapy. He is President of School of Radiographers of the University. He is appointed for teaching Radiology in a number of Graduate and postgraduate Schools of the same university.