Area “Surgical Oncology of GI tract”: “Principle investigator” of an International multi center randomized trial aimed at assessing the impact of a preoperative chemotherapy in locally advanced operable gastric cancer.
Active participation to research programs of adjuvant and neo-adjuvant treatment of colorectal tumors and liver metastases.
Active participation to the ROLARR international trial (Robotic vs Laparoscopic Rectal Cancer Resection).
Area “Totally implantable central venous access devices”: he concluded a randomized trial comparing 2 different devices for long-term central venous access in oncology patients. He carried out a randomized 3-arm trial for evaluation of the best approach to central veins for long-term chemotherapy.
Area “Artificial nutrition in oncology”: he participated to a randomized multicenter trial comparing total parenteral versus enteral nutrition in oncology surgery of GI tract, whose results were published in The Lancet. He coordinated an observational multicenter national survey on more than 2 hundred advanced oncology patients submitted to oral integration of omega-3 fatty acids, with the aim to assess its impact on nutritional parameters and quality of life.
He concluded a randomized Italian multicenter trial aimed at evaluation of possible effects of parenteral administration of glutamine on postoperative infectious morbidity in surgical oncology patients.
He coordinated a national survey on the prevalence of calories and protein malnutrition in oncology Italian outpatients. Now he is running a trial on the impact of preoperatively administered malto-dextrins on postoperative resistance to insulin and infectious complications in surgical oncology patients.
Area “ Venous thromboembolism in surgical oncology”: he concluded as Co-Investigator a national multicenter survey on more than 2 thousands patients, investigating prevalence of deep venous thrombosis in surgical oncology patients. Moreover, he participated to a multicenter International trial enrolling more than 2,500 patients receiving different anti-thrombotic drugs.