Low dose-CT
The low dose-CT studies performed at the European Institute of Oncology for early diagnosis of lung cancer over the last ten years, highlighted the clinical possibility of diagnose 78% of lung cancers at stage I-II (among patients who did not undergo the screening, only 17% of them had a diagnosis of tumor at stage I-II). Five years survival rate of patients with lung cancer detected at screening CT is 70% (compared with 60% of the U.S. trial that lasted 3 years). The overall survival rate of patients enrolled in COSMOS project is of 97% in 5 years.
Surgery for benign lesions (False-Positive) diagnosed with COSMOS was of 0.13% last year. Our protocol demonstrated a sensibility of 97% and specificity of 99.5%.
The study performed since 2000 demonstrated the efficacy of annual TC, allowing to diagnose lung cancer on an average of 0.8% in patients even after 10 years of screening.
The observational study performed since 2000 on 6000 volunteers with low dose CT for early diagnosis of lung cancer, is recognized as one of the most important research project worldwide, showing the possibility to offer an effective secondary prevention of lung cancer for smokers.