Martedì in Istituto si terrà la Giornata della Ricerca 2019
9.30 Welcome
M. Melis
9.40 Introduction and greetings
R. Orecchia
10:00 High-Definition Oncology
P.G. Pelicci
10:20 Towards a new data culture for high definition medicine: opportunities and challenges in light of the GDPR
G. Testa
10:40 Artificial Intelligence for big data analytics today: what about tomorrow?
P.L. Lanzi
11:10 The IEO MS-Proteomics platform: clinical applications
T. Bonaldi
11:30 Radiotherapy and radiomics: from images to cure
B. Jereczek
11:50 Molecular Tumor Board to implement access to Innovative Therapies
G. Curigliano
12:00 Follicular lymphoma: should be now considered a curable disease?
C. Tarella
12:20 The value of research in psycho-oncology
G. Pravettoni
12:40 Education and Training: fostering the next generation of scientists
R. Visintin
13:00 Innovation and excellence in oncology. Technology Transfer at IEO
S. Minucci e M. Fumagalli
13:20 Closing and remarks
R. Orecchia
13.30 Lunch